
This guide will get you all set up and ready to use Strela in your Kubernetes cluster. We'll cover how to get started using Helm. We'll also look at how you can install Kubernetes before you're getting started with Strela.

Choose your Kubernetes distribution

Before start with Strela you need to choose your Kubernetes distribution. In the following example, you can see how to install a few Kubernetes distributions on Linux.

# k3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -

Please keep in mind that these are just examples, and you can find many more distributions on the internet.

Get started with Helm

After picking your preferred distribution, you are ready to install our Helm chart. Below, you can see how to install the Strela Helm chart.

# Add the Strela Helm repository
helm repo add strela https://helm.strela.dev

# Install the Strela Helm chart
helm install strela strela/strela --namespace strela-system --create-namespace

What's next?

Great, you're now set up with Strela. Here are a few links that might be helpful as you continue to explore Strela:

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