Strela Documentation

Use Strela to manage and create your own Minecraft server into your own Kubernetes cluster. Learn everything about Strela and integrate Strela into your Kubernetes cluster.

Getting started

To get started, create a Kubernetes cluster or use an existing one. Then install Strela and create a new MinecraftDeployments or MinecraftStatefulSets, and you're ready to go. Additionally, you can create an MinecraftAutoscaler to automatically scale your Minecraft server instances, based on the number of players or available servers.


Minecraft Deployments

Learn how to create a Minecraft server deployment.

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Minecraft StatefulSets

Understand how to manage Minecraft StatefulSets.

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Minecraft ServerSets

See how Minecraft server sets work, and how they start servers

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Minecraft Servers

Learn how a Minecraft server is structured and how you can use it.

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Minecraft Autoscaler

Read about our Autoscaler and create your own one.

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